
Mondego Media Group Ltd. t/a The Tech Capital
43 Berkeley Square, London W1J 5AP, UK
+44 (0) 207 889 7844



Registration for {{$registration->page->name}}

@php $properties = array_filter(Schema::getColumnListing($registration->getTable()), function($value) { return !in_array($value, ['id', 'created_at', 'status', 'updated_at']); }); @endphp @foreach($properties as $property) @if ($property !== 'extra') @endif @endforeach @if ($registration->extra) @foreach($registration->extra as $key => $value) @endforeach @endif @if ($registration->promo) @php $promo = \App\Models\PromoCode::where('code', $registration->promo)->first(); @endphp @if ($promo && $promo->discount === 100) @else @endif @else @endif
{{ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', str_replace('_id', '', $property)))}} @if (str_ends_with($property, '_id')) {{ $registration->{str_replace('_id', '', $property)}->name }} @else @if (in_array($property, ['newsletter', 'reception', 'sponsorship', 'portal'])) {{ $registration->{$property} ? 'Yes' : 'No' }} @else {{ $registration->{$property} ?? 'N/A' }} @endif @endif
{{ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', $key))}} {{$value}}

Processing Note

The registrant has used a FREE promo code ({{ $registration->promo}}) for this registration. Please validate their registration.

@if ($promo)

The registrant has used a promo code ({{ $registration->promo}}) for this registration. Their transaction is still in process. Please look out for the payment notification from Stripe.


The registrant has used an invalid promo code ({{ $registration->promo}}) for this registration. Their transaction is still in process. Please look out for the payment notification from Stripe.


The registrant has just submitted their information. Their transaction is still in process. Please look out for the payment notification from Stripe.

The Tech Capital Team

thetechcapital.com | events.thetechcapital.com

Company Registration No: 13736383
Mondego Media Group Ltd
Business VAT No: 424 1598 01